5 Ways in Which You Can Use Credit Cards to Make Incredible Rewards While Running a Business

Elite Personal Finance
Last Update: September 9, 2021 Business Loans Credit Cards

There are many ways to get great cash-rewards cards in your business. However, it can be hard to get the most out of your business credit card rewards. If only you manage those rewards carefully, you put yourself in a position to reinforce your business. Make it a habit of transacting with credit cards and earn more points or cash rewards.

Let first discuss the things business owners can do with their business credit card rewards before getting into details of ways to use credit cards for excellent rewards.

  • Employee perks. You can use your business credit card rewards to present employees with offers such as compensated leave (maternity or paternity) and disability insurance. You can also use your cashback rewards to benefit your workers as a token of appreciation.
  • Working capital. As discussed before, one can build his business with credit card rewards. You can also get significant cash to help your business with the cashback when working capital.
  • Free business flights. If you pay your vendor by credit card for the previous six months, you’ll be in a position to earn enough points to enable you to fly to your essential business occasions. Remember, the flight is always free.
  • Enhanced business travel perks. Business credit cards offer many travel perks, such as VIP lounges. Once you get rewarded, you can travel to your destination comfortably. Remember, all of your traveling expenses are covered; thus, you don’t have to worry.

Consider Your Employees to Make More Rewards

As a business owner, it can sound good to consider your workers by issuing them credit cards. Also, remember not to charge them for extra employee cards. Interestingly, if you accept to grant them credit cards, you’ll be in a position to boost your rewards earning rate. For instance, let assume you pay a monthly compensation fee of $2,000 for issuing credit cards to your employees. Get assured, as the year ends so you will have made enormous points to advance your production.

Prioritize Your Credit Card to Pay Business Bills

It’s not an easy job to convince your customers to purchase with their credit cards. Some may take it hard to accept this payment mode; others may be unwilling because of the card processing charge. But once your request succeeds, incredible rewards will be yours. You can use the following habits to sway them.

  • First, show them how safe it is to purchase with a credit card rather than cash.
  • Tell vendors once they agree to the use of credit cards, you will offer to pay in a week (seven days) instead of the usual term (30-60 day term).
  • Also, influence them that within 24-48 hours, credit card purchases are usually funded compared to checks.
  • Remember to point out that credit card payments take a shorter time to get processed than other payment modes.

Use Digital Wallets to Earn Great Rewards

The use of digital wallets such as Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal has improved our living above all to entrepreneurs. Though, some digital wallets such as American Express don’t award points. When you pay your bills with these digital wallets, you can be in a position to earn additional points or rewards. Is this not great good news? As a business owner, you can benefit from these rewards.

Earn Extra Points by Using Online Tools

Online tools such as Plastiq are incredible. These tools allow you to make payments with a credit card that charges less. You can prefer using the Plastiq tool to pay all kinds of insurance, goods, and rent bills. You can still earn rewards, air miles, and cashback offered by your business credit card with all these payments. Remember, you can benefit more if you get additional savings from your credit card rewards. As said earlier, few dealers may fail to accept credit card payments. Therefore, you can solve the matter by introducing them to these available online tools.

Getting The Right Business Credit Cards

Business owners should know the importance of running their business with credit cards. However, the most critical part is to get the right credit card for their company. That’s why it’s indispensable for employers to choose the right credit cards based on their business.

As we have seen, it can be fascinating to embrace credit card payments to earn more rewards. However, the number of points a business owner can get after making payments with credit cards depends on the bills. Meaning, the more business bills you pay, the higher the points. Remember, even the little you can get (rewards or points), you can still invest back into the business.


Elite Personal Finance

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